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317 ship citations (8 free) in 40 resources
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Excel (lng carrier; built 2003; Malta; 77773 dwt; also named: Portovyy, Peace River; IMO: 9246621)
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Excel (lpg carrier; built 1967; Liberia; 14982 dwt; also named: Isfonn, Sheldon Gas; IMO: 6622264)
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Excel (product tanker; built 1981; Neth Antilles; 38565 dwt; also named: Maroni, Blue Excelsior, Iver Excel, Commuter; IMO: 8002078)
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Excel (reefer; built 1969; Thailand; 1647 dwt; IMO: 6919564)
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Excel (wind turbine inst; built 1990; Danish Int Register; 3036 dwt; also named: Ocean Ady, Sea Energy; IMO: 8902046)
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