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Fame (1795)
Merchant Sailing Ships, 1775-1815: Sovereignty of Sail
Conway Maritime, London, 1985
0870214187, 9780870214189
154, 154
Fame (bulk carrier medium; built 2004; Marshall Islands; 75912 dwt; also named: Torm Bornholm; IMO: 9287132)
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Fame (bulk handysize; built 1970; United Kingdom; 29486 dwt; also named: Starworth, Star Blackford, Blackford, Star Ming, Charming; IMO: 7014543)
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Fame (container feeder; built 1972; Greece; 47838 dwt; IMO: 7207061)
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Fame (offshore vessel; built 1988; Panama; 530 dwt; also named: Nikolay Trubyatchinsky, Polar Explorer; IMO: 8705010)
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Fame (tweendecker; built 1966; Norway Int Reg; 788 dwt; IMO: 6609901)
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