Book Information
Baker, William Avery
A Maritime History of Bath, Maine, and the Kennebec River Region
A Maritime History of Bath, Maine, and the Kennebec River Region.
Bath, Maine:
Marine Research Society,
Vessels with just page numbers indicate those "built outside Kennebec region or not otherwise identified" (pg. 1121). The following information applies to all other entries: "This index gives the place and year of construction of the vessels listed in Appendix A plus page references to the text where any of these vessels are mentioned. "Key to Abbreviations of Towns in District: Arr = Arrowsic; Aug = Augusta; Bdn = Bowdoin; Bhm = Bowdoinham; Bk = Brunswick; Ch = Chelsea; Dr = Dresden; Far = Farmingdale; Gar = Gardiner; Gtn = Georgetown; Hal = Hallowell; Hp = Harpswell; Ken = Kennebec; Lis = Lisbon; N.M. = New Meadows; Per = Perkins; Ph = Phippsburg; Pit = Pittston; Pow = Pownalborough; R = Richmond; Sid = Sidney; Top = Topsham; Vas = Vassalboro; Wat = Waterville; Win = Winslow; Wool = Woolwich" (1071)